When you purchase the CarboH diet plan,
you'll get these Equal/Nutrasweet recipe booklets FREE! (Booklets
are not available with discounted offers.) No extra shipping
or handling charges to you.
Equal Delicious
Recipes -
50 pages of low calorie recipes made with Equal
- Pineapple Muffins, Yogurt Cucumber Salad, Lemonade Freshner
and more!
If you're diabetic or just trying to cut down on your sugar intake, you'll want to try some of these reicpes.
Booklet includes Recipe Ingredient Alternatives and Equal Table of Equivalent Sweetness.
Recipes for Living Well - a 15-page booklet with more delicious recipes - Cherry Cheesecake, Orange Cappuccino Chiffon Pie, and more!
To get your free recipe booklets, send us an email by clicking on Contact Us on the Home Page and tell us you'd like to have these free booklets. Include your full name and mailing address and we'll ship them out to you right away. One offer per customer/per household with purchase of the CarboH diet plan. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Recipe booklets are not available with discounted offers.