Features of CarboH . . .
Don't Count Calories; that has already been
done for you!
Meals + 3 Snacks
to help fight
or Dinner Out
a week with choice of Chinese, Italian, or Mexican!
Vegetarian friendly!
Your Favorite
Dessert once a week!
Special Recipes
Designed to fit in with your Daily Routines and cooking styles! |
CarboH is a healthy meal plan that promotes weight
loss. Unlike other diets where everyone receives the same
plan regardless of height and weight, you'll receive an individualized plan.
We use
the Harris-Benedict Formula to calculate a diet just for you
using your height, weight, age, and activity level. |
CarboH is a healthy meal
plan that promotes steady weight loss. Follow the plan for two
weeks and learn
new eating habits for a lifetime.
We strive to
achieve two goals: to provide
nutrition information to the public and a healthy diet plan. We present nutrition articles on various topics
that change frequently, so be sure to visit our site often. If
you have a topic you would be interested in learning more about,
feel free to contact us with your suggestions for future articles.
much does the
CarboH diet cost? |
cost of the plan is a one-time fee of $16. There are no monthly fees and no special
foods to buy. Whether you have diabetes, lactose intolerance,
or other dietary restrictions, our plan is appropriate for you.
Unlike the "other" diet plans, CarboH doesn't use pre-planned
menus. Instead, our plan is composed of categories of food, so
it works for everyone. |
I use this diet
if I have diabetes? |
you have Type
I or Type II Diabetes, CarboH is the right diet for you. CarboH is a
low fat, low cholesterol diet and a healthy plan for persons
with diabetes who need to lose weight. The plan provides three
small meals and three snacks every day, ensuring that your blood
sugars will remain steady. Click here to see a sample of one day's menu. |
do I order the CarboH diet plan? |
Here to
order CarboH. Once your purchase is complete, you'll have instant
access to your diet online so you can get started right away.
You'll receive authorized access for six months to your specially
planned meal plan through the user name and password you have
chosen. |
would like to
know more! |
Some facts about the
"other" diet plans! |
about the high protein, low carb diet? I have a friend
who has lost a lot of weight on this diet!
Despite the overwhelming
scientific evidence that a high protein, low carbohydrate diet
is not a healthy diet, it continues to be an anomaly in the diet
industry - and will continue to be - as long as there are those
who persist in their refusal to accept sound advice to eat more
fruit and vegetables and opt instead for a diet saturated with
greasy burgers, egg omelettes, and gobs of butter smeared on
their low calorie bread, while wishing for the magic pill to
make it all go away.
The latest information
being distributed in the media concerning a Duke University study claims that people on the Atkins diet, vs. those
on a low fat, high carbohydrate diet, achieved greater weight
loss and lower cholesterol levels. What the media reports don't
tell you is this: The dieters on the Atkins high protein, low
carb regimen also received fish oil and flaxseed supplements,
both of which are known to help reduce cholesterol and decrease
LDL levels, the bad cholesterol that promotes heart disease.
But even with the addition of large amounts of fish oil to their
diets, only a small percentage of the subjects actually had a
decrease in cholesterol - the rest did not. More importantly,
what you're not told is that the study was funded by The Atkins
Center for Complementary Medicine. (Westman, Eric,
Yancy "Effect of 6-Month Adherence to a Very Low Carbohydrate
Diet Program)
I want to lose
weight quickly!
The high protein
diet became popular in the 1980's due to it's ability to provide
quick weight loss, as much as 10 pounds a week for many impatient
dieters. Protein
requires water in order to be metabolized, so a high protein diet will cause dehydration.
A low
carb diet also causes dehydration. When adequate dietary carbohydrates are
not consumed, the body begins to draw on its carbohydrate reserves
to provide glucose for energy, and this process leads to additional
fluid loss. Therefore, a combination of high protein + low carb
causes severe fluid loss which contributes to much of the weight
loss you see initially when you step on the scale.
Is it possible to lose fat
on a high protein, low carb diet?
Certainly it
is, if you decrease calories. Interestingly, dieters on the Atkins
regimen in the Duke University study lost a greater amount of
weight, but it's not clear whether this additional loss can be
attributed to fluid loss or body fat loss.
What we know
for sure is this: A diet high in protein and low in complex carbohydrates
causes increased blood cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries
which leads to a heart attack), an increase in LDL levels, the bad cholesterol
that contributes to coronary artery disease, osteoporosis (loss of calcium from bones), an electrolyte imbalance (loss of sodium and potassium which are
necessary for normal heart beat), gout, kidney damage, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis,
and constipation. Because the brain primarily
uses glucose for energy, a lack of carbohydrates causes feelings
of weakness,
irritability, and dizziness.
But I thought potatoes and
bread were fattening?
Potatoes and
bread are complex
These foods are low in calories and contain little to no fat
and no cholesterol, are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber,
and an excellent source of phytochemicals that help prevent cancer!
When you begin
to lose body fat, your blood sugar at times will drop. The combination
of low blood sugar + fat loss triggers the brain to send out hunger signals. Since
carbohydrates break down to glucose (sugar), keeping blood sugar
levels as normal as possible with carbohydrates will help curb
Why do fad
diets like Sugar Busters, Atkins, and the
Carbohydrate Addict's Diet promote high
protein, low carbohydrate foods?
The success of
any diet plan is unjustly attributed to it's ability to promote
rapid weight loss. Everyone wants to lose weight quickly.
During the
metabolism of protein, water is used up; during the metabolism
of carbohydrates, water is given off. What this means simply, is that the metabolism
of protein causes dehydration while the metabolism of carbohydrates
promotes hydration. In addition, a high protein, low carb diet
induces a condition called ketosis, the body's emergency response
to a lack of glucose. Ketosis in the long-term can cause death,
but ketosis in the short-term causes fluid loss. Since water
is heavy, fluid loss shows up quickly as decreased pounds on
the scale, but the dieter is not aware that the weight loss is due to
loss of fluid and not to loss of fat.
I've been on a low carb diet
and I've lost 19 pounds.
So how can you say that cutting carbs
doesn't promote weight loss?
Weight loss (loss
of body fat) is achieved by one of two ways: 1-decreasing calories
or, 2-increasing activity to burn off calories. If you lost weight on
a low carb diet, you did so because you cut calories, not because
you cut carbs.
the Nutritionist . . .
Barbara Herondorf, L.D., is a Licensed Dietitian
and Nutritionist. For over 19 years, Barbara has worked in nursing
homes, hospitals, medical clinics, private physicians' offices,
and as a private Nutrition Consultant.
For over 9 years,
Barbara worked as a hospital Dietitian and Nutritionist, providing
primary nutritional care in the areas of Cancer, Heart, Intensive
Care, Geriatrics, Acute Care Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Kidney Transplant,
Kidney Dialysis, and General Surgery. During this
time, she provided Diabetic Nutrition Classes to hospital inpatients,
lectures to hospital staff on Sports Nutrition and Weight Management,
and regularly inserviced the medical staff on related topics
such as tube feedings for patients. Barbara was hired as a Nutrition
Consultant by IBIS (Integrated Brain Injury Service), a step-down
clinic for brain injured patients, where she taught basic cooking
skills and food preparation to recovering patients.
In private practice,
Barbara has consulted with physicians' offices to provide nutrition
information to their patients. Currently, she continues to provide
instruction on topics of weight loss, sports nutrition, diabetes,
and vegetarian nutrition.
As a result of
many years of working with overweight adults, the CarboH diet
was developed. This unique diet was designed with an understanding
of the causes of obesity, of why conventional and fad diets fail,
and can be incorporated healthfully into one's daily life with
little difficulty. As the chief pioneer and overseer of CarboH.com, Barbara
continues to provide responsible and up-to-date nutrition information
as well as healthy weight loss diets to the public.
Barbara Herondorf, L.D.
material appearing on the CarboH web site may be printed for
personal use only. Other usage of this material is strictly prohibited
unless permission in writing is obtained from Barbara Herondorf.
CarboH Diet is designed to restrict total daily calories for
the purpose of weight loss. Calorie levels are individually based
on height, weight, and activity levels using the Harris-Benedict
formula. Persons who are pregnant or have been given previous
dietary advice from a physician, dietitian, or nutritionist should
not use the CarboH Diet without approval from their physician.
Persons taking medication for diabetes should inform their physician
that they may require an adjustment of medication due to moderate
or excessive weight loss.
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