Order Form

1. Please enter information carefully.

2. All information is totally confidential. Please read our
Privacy and Security Policy.

3. Pick a User Name ( a nickname of your choice) and Password and remember them for future logins. Your User Name and Password must consist of only letters (upper and/or lower case) and numbers. Other characters will cause an error to occur.

4. All Fields Are Required.

5. Submitting this form will process your credit card and finalize this transaction.

Are you pregnant?:

Yes No

If you checked Yes, please do not order CarboH. Thank you for your interest in CarboH and please visit our website often to keep up with the latest nutrition information.
Customer Information
Please Note: Use only letters and numbers in your User Name and Password
User Name:
User Password:
Re-Enter Password:
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Telephone (Area Code First):

Credit Card Information
Credit Card type: Mastercard
American Express

Credit Card Number:

Exp Date (month/year):

Personal Information
Height (feet/inches):
Weight in Pounds:


Male Female

Body Frame:

Small Medium Large

Activity Level:

Slightly Active
Very Active

Are you currently on medication for Diabetes?:
Yes No

If you checked Yes, please check one of the following statements.
I have notified my physician that I am on a weight loss diet and he/she is aware that my medication may need to be adjusted due to excessive weight loss.
I have not notified my physician yet but will do so shortly.

Clicking the Submit button submits your credit card information for authorization.

Did you remember to write down your User Name and Password?