Letters from
Happy Customers...


Hurray! I lost 5 pounds the first week! Bring on more fruit! Let me tear into the veggies! Thanks again, and keep on helping people eat better for a better life.

My cardiologist gave me a stress echo test
recently and everything has improved. My heart has reduced in size and no more swollen feet. The doctor said that I was 327 lbs. I am now 290 and going down. I feel great!

Last night I went to a Lions meeting. I had salad with honey mustard, pasta with clams, and black coffee. I had one ample serving - I usually have two - my friends were amazed at the change. A beautiful tray of pastries was put right in front of me. I didn't mind at all when my fellow Lions gobbled them down. I recieved compliments on my weight loss at the start of the meeting and that was the sweetness I needed.

For a few bucks you get a great plan that is simple to do. Barbara has great recipes! I am losing weight. CarboH works!

Thank you. You are part of the change. Please keep on keeping on. I am progressing.

Lou Fraser


I've lost 9 pounds and I feel great! I have enjoyed eating in this new healthy fashion. I never would have tried any meatless products prior to trying CarboH. I have started grilling everything! After the second week, I got so excited about my weight loss that I decided to join a gym. I have developed some very healthy habits which I contribute to CarboH. I actually prefer fresh fruits and vegetables to canned and frozen. I've even broadened my healthy eating horizons. I now eat a variety of vegetables that I initially thought were gross like brussel sprouts! And I have significantly cut back on fast foods and prepackaged processed foods.

All and all, I really feel as if I have found a diet I can stick with for the rest of my life. My husband has even noticed a change. He says I seem to be happier now. I am! Thank you all so much for your help. I know that I will reach my health and weight goals with your program and that I will enjoy doing it. God Bless you all!!!

Deanna Caples-Henson


My jeans (size 6) finally fit again. I haven't been able to wear them in a long time. I gained a lot of weight due to breaking my leg and I couldn't exercise for many months. Thank you for your support and answering all my questions. I love this diet! I feel healthy and slim. My husband also likes my new slim look and I'm going to put him on the CarboH diet too.

Thank you so much,
Marilyn Sellars


I have lost a total of 20 pounds in the four months that I've been on the CarboH diet! I have also started riding my bike and I think that helped. I feel great and was able to wear a pair of pants that haven't fit me in three years. I just wanted to write and tell you how happy I am and what a great diet plan this is.

Jan Winters


My first 10 pounds are GONE!!! I am so happy I found the CarboH diet and it got me off to a great start. The plan is easy to follow, flexible, and nutritious. I especially like being able to put a little bit of sugar and cream in my coffee with breakfast, and the mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks have helped to keep me on track and stave off the meal-time hunger that can really interrupt your will power.

I used to have toast and coffee for breakfast, and by lunch time, I was so hungry that I would leave my little salad in the refrigerator and head for the fast food. Now, after having the CarboH plan's breakfast and mid-morning snack, the lunch is plenty of food for me. I save my afternoon snack for when I get home from work, when my will power is at its lowest, and I'm not so hungry when dinner time rolls around.

I've lost my first 10 pounds, and I have many more to go, but I know I can get there by following this diet. I highly recommend this diet for people who are serious about weight loss through a healthy lifestyle.

Beth Mueller


I've lost 10 pounds in two months and my blood sugars are down. Thank you CarboH!

Linda Gupey


I followed the diet religiously and lost 15 pounds in the first 3 to 4 weeks. My husband lost weight but he won't tell me how much. He just says not enough yet. We've both strayed since then but have managed to keep it off. We're both returning to the diet to lose more weight now that Easter, Mother's Day, and birthdays are over. I'd like to drop another 40 pounds and a couple of dress sizes but I do feel better even with just the 15 pounds off.

Diane Gless


I put my husband on your diet and he has lost 12 pounds, but he doesn't want to admit it. Thank you Barbara.

Teresa Springer

Check your Ideal Body Weight

IBW for Females

IBW for Males

I have lost eight pounds with ease. I want to lose about another ten and I am sure I will succeed. I almost NEVER feel hungry and my sweet tooth is under control with all the sweet fruit I am eating!!

I must tell you that I have successfully lost enormous amounts of weight gained during two pregnancies but these last 15 pounds have just hung on over the past several years. I am edging ever closer to the toughest part for me, the last 10 pounds. I feel very positive about this program.

I tried a low carb, high protein program recently and after the initial water loss, I gained five pounds. Your program is so simple, and SO WELL BALANCED. I am eating pasta for the first time in a year and enjoying every last bit of it! I turn the "free" vegetables into a "free" stew and I am in pig heaven!

I am a pastry chef by profession so I pick all the time at what I am baking. Now I keep a peeled orange around so that when I have the urge, I take a fruit break!

Thanks again for your wonderful program and the responses, and the support.

Jodie Kallas



We'd like to hear from
you too...
If you've been following the CarboH diet
plan, we hope you'll drop us a line and let us know how you're progressing.


Yeah!!! I lost 17 pounds according to the doctor's scales since I began the CarboH diet!

At my last doctor's appointment, my blood pressure was 124/80 and I was told to cut back on my blood pressure medicine!

We just returned from vacation and I used your suggestions and made out very well. It was easy to order in restaurants and get foods on the plan. I lost one pound and my poor husband gained 5!

We had attended a carry in dinner at our son's church and you would not believe the rice and noodles that people brought...so I had a feast and it felt so good. One gets a good feeling about the size of 2 to 3 ounces of meat and it is very easy to get noodles and rice, etc. most of the time.

Thank you for this personal touch... A REAL person that cares and communicates with me. I just might make it with your encouragement! I find it so comforting. I know I am eating right and feeling great!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this way of eating!!!!!!!

Joanne Lepard

Where do you get your nutrition information? Most states now have licensure laws for Dietitians and Nutritionists. Be sure your nutrition advisor is "Licensed" by the State as a Licensed Dietitian (LD) or Licensed Nutritionist (LN), or in states that don't have licensure laws, a Registered Dietitian.



CarboH, Inc.
Barbara Herondorf, L.D.